Resources for Sellers

Get Started on the Right Foot!


  • Why Hire an Agent?
    Studies show that sellers who use a real estate agent generally get a better price than those who choose to sell the home themselves. 
  • Before Your Home is Listed
    Prior to listing your home, you’ll want to ensure everything is in good showing condition before buyers start to tour the home. Here are some important things to consider:
    • Start Packing
      Now is the time to put things in storage, clean out the basement and garage and start preparing to show your home.
    • Spot Paint
      Touch up both interior and exterior paint.
    • Update Carpet
      Clean or replace the carpet in areas with heavy wear.
    • Extra Cleaning
      Keep the interior and exterior clean and odor free.
    • Curb Appeal
      Trim any overgrown bushes, mow the lawn, and keep it free of leaves or snow. 
    • Find Potential Problems Early
      Once you’ve completed these steps you may want to hire someone to perform a pre-listing inspection. 
  • Professional Staging
    Consider hiring a professional stager to help give buyers the appeal they’re looking for.
  • During the Listing Period
    You’ll need to plan to have something to do during the times potential buyers visit your home.